Grievance Committee of the Sri Siddharameshwar Ayurvedic Medical College
The staff and students can register their complaints through
Sl.No | Name | Present Designation | Position | Contact Number |
1 | Dr Waghmare Jitendra | HOD Dept of Dravyaguna | Incharge | 7829192993 |
2 | Dr Pradeep Kadam | Asst. Prof. Dept of Kriya Sharir | Member | 9916231148 |
3 | Dr Mahesh Raju | Asso Prof Dept of Swastha | Member | 9966382677 |
4 | Dr Hajera Fatima | Asst Prof Dept of Rachana Sharir | Member | 9739813878 |
5 | Devkar Shivani | Students Representative | Member | 9880270812 |
6 | Rathod Sakshi | Students Representative | Member | 9880270812 |
7 | P Satish Chavan | Students Representative | Member | 9880270812 |
8 | Kale Manasi | Students Representative | Member | 9880270812 |
9 | Kale Neha | Students Representative | Member | 9880270812 |
Grievance Committee of the Sri Siddharameshwar Ayurvedic Medical College
The staff and students can register their complaints through