Department of Rachana Sharira

Shareera, Rachana is the science which deals with the study of human body and mind in relation to its structural norms.

The department of Shareera Rachana makes the students to undergo the Cadaver dissection, computerized dissection (digital), Histological study etc. It tries to simplify the subject by Comparative and Correlative study with the modern science.Knowledge of Shareera Rachana is essential for better understanding of principles of Chikitsa.

The fundamental principle of treatment in Ayurveda is to treat the disease with the qualities opposite to its nature. … Ayurveda describes the human being as being composed of five elements, three doshas (biological energies), seven dhatus (tissues), and numerous srotas (channels).

According to Ayurveda, each person has a constitution that was determined at conception. This constitution is the inherent balance of these three doshas. The constitution determines a person’s basic body type and personality. While other factors influence the formation of both the body and personality, the constitution provides the predisposition in much the same way as a person’s genetics. It is a common misconception that Ayurveda groups people according to three types. In actuality, there are infinite combinations and permutations of these three basic energies in each person. Therefore, we see that each person is understood to be unique. The Ayurvedic practitioner’s first objective is to understand the nature or constitution of the patient. This tells the practitioner who they are treating.

Acharya Sushrutha

Acharya Susrutha, known as the father of surgery had given clear guide lines regarding the selection, preservation, processing and procedures for the dissection of the the dead body in his text Susrutha Samhitha. He says “the different parts of the body ,including the skin, cannot be correctly described by one who is not well versed in anatomy. Hence,  one who  desires of acquiring a thorough knowledge of anatomy should collect dead body and carefully, observe by dissecting it and examine its different parts”.

Ayurveda Practitioner

For the Ayurvedic practitioner, it is necessary to understand the nature of the patient, the nature of the disease, and the nature of the remedy. Only then will a physician be able to provide the greatest care. The qualities of Nature are said to be either heavy or light, cold or hot, stable or mobile, sharp or dull, moist or dry, subtle or gross, dense or flowing, soft or hard, smooth or rough and cloudy or clear. A person, a disease or a remedy is understood to have a unique combination of these qualities. It is the goal of the Ayurvedic practitioner to understand as many of the qualities as they can about their patient and their patient’s condition.

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